
Yuxin Wang's Page

Motto: Turn over each stone before you leave


Yuxin Wang (王裕鑫)


Ph.D. Student at IMCCLab

Information and Communication Engineering

University of Science and Tecnology of China

Github: Click this Zhihu: Click this Google: Click this



I have received the B. E. degree from Xidian University in 2018. I am currently studying for a Ph.D. degree at the University of Science and Technology of China, and I am expected to graduate in 2023. My research advisor is Prof. Yongdong Zhang.

I have been in the OCR group of Huawei Cloud BU for 4 months (10.2020-2.2021) as an intern to help them realize the implementation based on fast text recognition. My research interests include deep learning and computer vision, with a focus on Scene Text Detection and Recognition, Image Synthesis and Tamper detection.




A photo of me with Prof. Bai (middle) and Prof. Lu (left)

7/2021 One paper is accepted by ICCV2021!

7/2021 The 3rd Place in the 2021 ICDAR Competition

5/2021 One paper is accepted by TMM2021!

4/2021 One paper is accepted by IJCAI2021!

3/2021 One paper is accepted by CVPR2021!

12/2020 I‘m supported by the National Scholarship for Postgraduates

5/2020 One paper is accepted by TMM2020!

2/2020 One paper is accepted by CVPR2020!

1/2020 I‘m supported by the Huawei Scholarship

5/2019 One paper is accepted by IJCAI2019!

6/2018 One paper is accepted by VCIP2018!

(10/2018-2020) I‘m supported by the First Class Academic Scholarship of USTC

Wang Y., Xie H., Fang S., et al. From Two to One: A New Scene Text Recognizer with Visual Language Modeling Network//  IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2020. // ICCV 2021 (CCF A)

Wang Y., Xie H., Zha Z., et al. ContourNet: Taking a Further Step toward Accurate Arbitrary-shaped Scene Text Detection[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020: 11753-11762. // CVPR 2020 (CCF A)

Wang, Y., Xie, H., Zha, Z., Tian, Y., Fu, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2020). R-Net: A Relationship Network for Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detection. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. // TMM2020 (IF:6.051)

Wang Y., Xie H., Fu Z., et al. DSRN: A Deep Scale Relationship Network for Scene Text Detection [C]//IJCAI. 2019: 947-953. // IJCAI 2019 (Oral, CCF A)

Wang Y., Chen J., Liu C., et al. Stacked Fully Convolutional Networks for Pulmonary Vessel Segmentation[C]//2018 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP). IEEE, 2018: 1-4. // VCIP2018

Fang S., Xie H., Wang Y., Mao Z & Zhang Y. Read Like Humans: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Recognition[J]. // CVPR 2021 (CCF A)

Hu Z, Xie H, Wang Y., Li J, Wang Z, et al. Dynamic Inconsistency-aware DeepFake Video Detection. // IJCAI2021 (CCF A)

Xing M., Xie H., Tan Qing., Fang S., Wang Y., Zha Z. and Zhang Y.. Boundary-aware Arbitrary- shaped Scene Text Detector with Learnable Embedding Network. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. // TMM2021 (IF:6.051)

A signature  of the Chinese diving championship team presented by Baidu

A photo of me with Huawei Cloud BU OCR group